Monday, September 29, 2014

Music Video Editor Pitch

Title: The Last Rose
Tagline: Don't let it wilt.
Style: Warm tone; light red soft vignette on the scenes of the character walking around the Mishawaka Riverwalk with the rose. All other vegetation around the character is dying out, as the summer season is leaving.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Emotion Pictures - Peace

               These pictures could symbolize "Peace," or "How some people try to attain peace."

Music Video Analysis

Arcade Fire – We Exist

This music video shows a person cross-dressing for the first time. We see the internal struggle that the person is going through. We see that he worries about what others will think of him through his facial expressions as he is getting dressed and as he walks through the bar. A man asks him to dance, and just as he starts to smile from enjoyment, several other men gang up on him and beat him up. But just before we see him get kicked in the face, the scene freezes, and he gets up and starts dancing. His posture is completely changed and is expressing his feeling of freedom finally. We then see the previous gang of men, now in women’s clothing, and they are dancing in sync as well. They open up a curtain that the person we have been following goes through. He ends up at an Arcade Fire concert and gets up on stage and starts to dance in front of the crowd of people, unashamed.

Visually, in the beginning, the DP is using closer and tighter shots of the subject. When he is walking outside, the DP opens up the shot just a little bit more, making it a medium shot. When he arrives at the bar, we still see him in mostly medium shots, except when he begins to question himself again when he sits down at the bar and it is back to a closer shot. During the dancing scene and as he goes on stage, it is mostly long shots, and we get to see more of his surroundings. This story arc is visually being told through this change in distance from the subject. This is telling us that the subject is starting off with his cross-dressing as a secret, it is only known by him, and he is unsure if he wants to change that. As the story progresses and he starts to go out into the public, he is opening up a little bit and getting a little comfortable, so the camera distance follows suit and backs up to a medium shot to let a little more of the surroundings into the picture. And finally, when he reaches the end of the story and sees that he is allowed to exist as he pleases, we are viewing him in mostly long shots, letting more of the surroundings into the picture.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Narrative Concept

Title: Will Work For Food

Tagline: How can I be sure the needy will use my help wisely?

Summary: There are two characters in this story. We meet a woman in her young twenties, in the midst of her daily morning rush. She comes across a homeless man asking for food, but she lies and says doesn’t have anything. She goes to get her daily coffee, and decides to pick something up to give to the homeless man on her way to the office. He takes the charity, and as she walks away, we discover something about the man that we wish we didn’t.

Documentary Concept

Title: The Pool

Tagline: Swimming in community.

Summary: The Pool is a music venue in downtown South Bend that is built in the pool of an old high school. I'd like to do a documentary on this venue, how it started, how it's progressed, and where it is going. I could attend the next show and get footage of that while doing interviews of any of the available owners, current and past.

Music Video Concept

Title: Temple

Tagline: There’s more uniting us than we thought.

Summary: This is a music video that accompanies an ambient, progressive song. We follow several characters living in their day-to-day lives. One is a youth group leader, another is a janitor, and another is an urban city-dweller. We portray each character in positions of “worship,” however that looks in their individual lives. The concept behind the story is that even the “godless” can be spiritual, and more so, that you can be spiritual without necessarily claiming a “god.”

Monday, September 1, 2014

My Love of Media

              Hello everyone! My name is Alyssa Neece, and I'm a junior in New Media, with a concentration in Video and Motion Media. This self-portrait describes a portion of what I love to do with media. While I really enjoy most of the aspects that go into a video project, my favorite aspect of the whole endeavor is building the relationship between sound and visual. In other words, I write and record music with the cinematic images in mind, and vise versa. Some people get really excited about a story, others get excited about the editing...I get excited about the cinematography and music. But all in all, creating something beautiful from scratch, and watching a video project progress (in every aspect) is always a very exciting endeavor to me.
            I'm pretty indecisive, so I can't say I have an absolute favorite movie or TV show. But my favorite genre, and the genre that I care to work with in the future, is action/adventure. I enjoy the look and feel of movies like Lord of the Rings, Divergent, Hunger Games, World War Z, etc.
            If I could make any media without restrictions, it would be an action/adventure feature film. I have a storyline already that I'd love to hire a screenwriter to develop (if that's how that works? I don't know yet haha).
            After graduation is quite the intimidating thing to think about. I certainly have the goal to make that feature film I mentioned in the previous paragraph someday (or other feature films for that matter). But really, I'll just keep writing, filming, editing - repeat. I hope to find some sort of media related job to pay the bills. It'd be great to start my own production company someday, but I plan to just enjoy the journey of getting there. I'm in no rush to get through this thing we call "life."
            I think it's pretty obvious by now why I'm interested in media. I absolutely love the process of the whole endeavor. Getting to create a world out of thin air, manipulating light and movement and sound to stir emotions, working with a team with multiple different perspectives to create a bigger picture out of a simple idea...I just love it.